Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 1
Amazing Company & Products 
Posted by Breanna Adams on Jan 28, 2011 Outstanding products and customer service! This is a program that works and I HIGHLY recommend it to everyone looking for a great spelling program and beautiful, enjoyable early readers. The reader books will be treasured and passed down for years to come in our home! And we now have our second child going through AAS Level 1. Both children have had such great success with it and I know my younger two will as well when they are ready for it! Thank you so much!
Fantastic program! 
Posted by Cheryl on Jan 25, 2011 I am so grateful to have found this program. My son's confidence and ability to spell is now out of understanding and not merely memorization. We are at the end of Level 1 and are ready to move on to Level 2. I wish I had found it sooner!
Brag Report!
Posted by Mary Ann Carr on Dec 31, 2010 On December 6th I began homeschooling, again! I home schooled all 4 of my sons from k-12, so I have done this before. But this is my grandchild, I homeschooled her in first grade. She couldn't hold her memory for 2 minutes. Then I tried her back in school this year. They had less success than I did. So, anyhow, she is now reading! She loves her spelling best of all. Every time we enter a new area, she says... no one ever showed me this before... and is thrilled. I bought 5-6 packs of stickers, and daily she gets to add stickers to her posters... one is the phonograms, the other is the steps... that just makes her day. She will work for a sticker! She is walking right through this... I did teach her phonics, just not this way. But, even with slight new areas, she is thrilled and bouncing right in there. And suddenly she is recognizing words everywhere, not just in her reading book. And she is sounding out words that I know that she shouldn't know yet. We are pleased. I am sometimes tired of the repetitions, until I see her progress in areas that are not expected, and it is finally gelling for her!
Flashcards make a lot of sense 
Posted by Dr. Renese Garcie on December 3, 2010 I'm actually getting a friend of mine to purchase the activity packet for her pre-schooler, whom she will be teaching at home. My daughter (almost 17 now!) learned this method while in Montessori school, but these flashcards weren't made available to us. Instead, her school printed the phonograms out on paper, then we cut them out, laminated each one, and punched holes in the corners so we could put them on a large key ring. She mastered all the phonograms in a very short time and was pronouncing multisyllable words with no difficulty in a matter of weeks! It's incomprehensible to me that ALL schools don't teach this method. It follows the natural learning process, and students find themselves reading naturally by simply sounding out the phonograms that they learn. It's much easier and makes a LOT more sense than the memorization method that many of us were taught.
Easy memorization wth the phonogram cards 
Posted by Shanna on December 1, 2010
I've heard people say that having students memorize the sounds of 72 phonograms and spelling rules seems like too much. But besides the fact that all of my children have memorized them quickly and even had fun doing it...the only other way of teaching students to spell is to have them memorize the spelling of thousands of individual words. Which seems easier to you?
Auditory Processing, Dyslexia... 
Posted by Mrs. Daniel Anderson on Nov 22, 2010 My daughter, now in 3rd grade, has moderate to severe auditory processing disorder along with some dyslexia. She especially has trouble with memory and sequencing, making spelling an absolute nightmare for her. Even if she memorized enough to pass a spelling test one week, by the next she had forgotten every word she had learned. In turn it affected other areas of school such as Language and Penmanship, as it was impossible to read anything she spelled. She is more than aware of her trouble and it was beginning to pull down her self-esteem as she watched other kids her age progress without any problem. I pulled her out of school and began to homeschool her, as I felt it the best choice for her. I had the idea myself about breaking down spelling with phonetics, trying to make it easier for her than memorizing a long string of letters in order, as I realized part of her problem was that she did not recognize and use phonetic patterns the way most children do, even though she had been taught phonics. But making a solid, cohesive curriculum for her on my own was a daunting task, so I turned to the internet for help, and found your program. This program has been perfect for her in every way. She still has to work hard, but becoming a good speller is now a possible reality for her and not a wistful dream. She has made it through the 1st level in about a month. The improvement in her other work can be measured in leaps and bounds already, but the boost in her self esteem is the greatest reward, and I am excited to start the next level with her. With our hard work together, I'm hopeful for her to catch up with her grade level by next year. Thank you for helping to make her future bright.
Working great for my 9 yo! 
Posted by Laura Cuddington on Nov 12, 2010 We are over half-way through Level 1, and I can see that it is really helping my 9-year-old son. He was okay for the younger grades, but had not shown much improvement in his reading or spelling since about 2nd grade, and I was starting to feel desperate and at a loss as to what to do with him. Then God led me to your program which I bought right away (two levels). I can tell a big difference already in how my son is learning to pay attention to the letters that are *there* in the words and the sounds they make. He has a huge tendency to just sort of look at a word & then make up sounds that aren't even represented in the word, or leave out sounds that are in the word, or even throw in a bunch of the sounds for the letters he sees but out of order, especially as the words get bigger. We homeschool, and I am not one to go much for testing or labeling, but I was starting to think I was going to have to get some diagnostic work done. Then just from my own research, I learned enough to see what might be going on AND also found your program, and I can see huge improvements. Not only that, but my son has actually started reading books that he enjoys that are more at his grade-level. What a great sign! We still have a long way to go, but then as I said we are only a little over half-way through Level 1, so I am excited about how much improvement is still coming.
High Five from my son! 
Posted by Linsey Davis on Oct 14, 2010 We started using All About Spelling for our 3rd grade son. I am so thankful for buying the curriculum. My son struggles with spelling and since beginning All About Spelling 2 weeks ago, he is soaring!!! He even gave me a high-five today as he was going through the lesson. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I plan on sharing my story with all of my homeschooling friends.
7 yo loves it! 
Posted by Angel Bell on Sep 14, 2010 I've been using Level 1 with my (just turned) 7 year old boy for about 6 weeks now and I absolutely love it. Thank you for creating an easy to use spelling program that truly teaches mastery of the spelling rules. We are really enjoying it and he loves putting his sticker on his chart each time he masters a step. I told him we would go for ice cream when he gets to step 24. He is on step 10 now. I just ordered Level 2 so we'll have it when we need it. I wish I could have used this with my 4 older children!
Very Impressed! 
Posted by Christy Miller on Aug 23, 2010 We ordered your program awhile back and have been using it a week. I must say I am very impressed. I feel that my dyslexic daughter is going to soar with this multisensory program. We have raved to our fellow homeschoolers about it and they have all purchased as well. Thank you AAS!
I wasn't going to order... 
Posted by Sarah Berke on Aug 7, 2010 When I first read about AAS, I thought it was exactly the program I did NOT want. I cringed at the thought of more manipulatives floating through the house and another stack of cards to keep track of. But everything else I read seemed right on, so I ordered it, put it all together, and jumped in with son #3 who wasn't catching onto spelling like his older siblings. Wow! The cards are nicely organized so I know which ones to review and when. The letter tiles are fun to do (and easy to corral with the magnets). It is more teacher-intensive than the old spelling workbooks or lists, but my boys are catching on to spelling and it's improving their reading capabilities, too. There is enough direction that I'm not wondering what to do next, but there is enough flexibility and freedom for me to mold the program around each child. Even though I was a superb speller as a child, I now finally understand why things are spelled the way they are.
An "A" for "Active" learning! 
Posted by Kathy Davis on Jun 10, 2010 This comprehensive spelling program combines the three most common learning styles (auditory, visual and kinesthetic) to teach kids how to spell. I was very impressed with this method, as I saw it work with my "frustrated with spelling" 8-year-old. Lets face it; 8-year-old boys would rather be doing anything but spelling, and mine was no exception. We had been using Explode the Code, which I like and he tolerates, though I sensed something was missing. I realized when I started All About Spelling he needed more than just moving a pencil across the page, he needed to be more active in his learning. That's why he took so well to this method. All About Spelling gets a big "A" from me!
Complete Phonics Program!
Posted by Christy on Jun 10, 2010
We are currently using Level 1 with my 5-year-old, and I plan to continue with the levels that follow for the next several years. What I loved about this program at first sight is that it bridges the gap I've always found between phonics and spelling curricula. This is the complete package. There is no need for a separate phonics program! Everything is set up with simple, step-by-step instructions. You are even given tips on how to organize and store all the phonogram cards and letter tiles. Daily review is built in, and the curriculum is easy to follow. I like the simple layout of the pages. Even though it is a more thorough program than anything else I've ever used for spelling and phonics, its presentation is not overwhelming. A nice thing about the books is that they are labeled Level 1, Level 2, etc...rather than Grade 1. So, you can take an older child who is struggling and start them at the beginning without having them worry about what grade level the book is.
Autism and Guided Participation 
Posted by Penny on May 21, 2010 We are approaching autism from a relationship perspective, using the concept of "guided participation" (a Barbara Rogoff term), where the adult is a trusted guide and the student is an apprentice. We've been working hard on that guide/apprentice relationship, and anything I choose needs to fit into that idea. When we began, I realized very quickly that All About Spelling is so much more than a spelling program. It is a boost to a beginning or struggling reader. Because it is multisensory in its approach, there is an auditory component that gives us practice that we need at our home in auditory discrimination. I realized right off the bat that my daughter wasn't always discriminating between a short "e" sound and a short "a" sound in the middle of a word. All About Spelling spotlighted an important distinction for me. Auditory processing issues are different from, separate from autism. And AAS gave me a framework to use to give us practice and experience at discriminating sounds. I am so tickled that this is a "between you and me" program one that sometimes becomes a background activity for "guided participation"!
Great multisensory approach 
Posted by Kristen G.H. on May 21, 2010 I love the Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling. With this method we mainly cover our language arts instruction using copywork. However, I’ve noticed that a couple of my kids need some extra help with spelling. All About Spelling (AAS) is a multisensory approach to spelling that uses the three primary pathways to learning: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. The reasoning behind this approach is to speed up the learning process for all types of learners. In Level 1 the emphasis is on learning the phonograms. The student is taught how to hear each individual sound in a word, thus making it easier to know how to spell it (insert “DUH!” here). When I began using this with my kids, it was like a light bulb coming on above my head. Of course learning to hear all of those sounds is SO much more effective than just handing them an arbitrary list of words to memorize. I was able to see the effectiveness of this program right away.
Teaches HOW, not just a list 
Posted by Jacqueline Cromwell on May 21, 2010
I recently got the opportunity to review the All About Spelling program and now I think I am in love. I will admit up front that I have kids that good at spelling. We have always made a game of knowing how to spell specific words starting as early as 3. Those games as great but someday your kids will see words they don't know and will need to know how to spell. Because reading and spelling seem to be closely linked, we value it highly here in the Nerd Family. This is a program to teach kids HOW to spell in life and not just a list of words. This program is based on learning the proper sounds for letters and blends along with the spelling rules. This isn't workbook based and it does take a little time but it is worth it! This method uses all the senses by having word tiles that the kids can build words with or pick out with their hands and by you verbally teaching in addition to any writing they do.
Posted by OneBlessedMamma on May 21, 2010
I used [a different program], and it is definitely NOT a complete phonics program. I saw how not-complete it was our first day with All About Spelling as we reviewed what sounds different letters make. While [the other program] taught words such as "water" and "want" as sight words, All About Spelling actually addresses the fact that "a" says 3 sounds: a like in cat, a like in cake, and ah like in want. When students know all the sounds a letter can make, it is easier for them to spell correctly. That was one of those "DUH" moments for me—it had never occurred to me that my daughter was misspelling things because she tried to do it phonetically, but her phonics knowledge was incomplete. I can't say enough good things about All About Spelling.
Who knew my 3 yo would love it?! 
Posted by Shauna R. on May 21, 2010
Like many preschoolers, my 3-year-old is alphabet-obsessed! I didn't intend to use AAS with her yet, but she was so enthusiastic about the letter tiles and flash cards that I started doing some of the basic AAS activities with her too. She can now arrange the letter tiles in alphabetical order and knows most of the initial letter sounds. We will definitely be continuing this program.
Posted by Michelle on Apr 1, 2010 I just placed my order for Level 2 and wanted to say Thank You for such a wonderful program. Over the last two years, we have tried at least 4 other spelling programs including SWR and Sequential Spelling. Finally we stumbled upon All About Spelling. Eureka! It is everything I could hope for in a spelling program and is so easy to use. I love the phonics approach, the teaching and memorizing of spelling rules, the built in review and my kids love to use the tiles (my son is a very reluctant writer). My five-year-old and seven-year-old are both using the program, each moving at her/his own pace. Spelling lessons are no longer a struggle with my kids—actually, my daughter requests to start with spelling now, and my son has commented on how easy spelling is to do. Thank you!
I was wrong. 
Posted by Meredith Curtis on Feb 22, 2010
I have told other homeschooling moms that there's just no fun way to do spelling. I have used workbooks for years, while I encourage moms to also consider making spelling lists from unit studies or books their children are reading too. There is just no way to make spelling hands-on—or so I thought. I stand corrected. :-)
Mom is learning too! 
Posted by Erica Burgan on Feb 22, 2010 In the first several lessons, there were spelling rules that I had never heard of!! And I am an excellent speller (spelling bee winner and all that)! :-)
A confidence booster! 
Posted by Linda Rose on Feb 22, 2010 We have had TREMENDOUS success with All About Spelling Level 1—my eight-year-old's spelling confidence has risen 100%! She even competed in the local high school spelling bee with a fair amount of confidence. I am planning to start my six-year-old on Level 1 in the next few weeks!
He used to prefer chores! 
Posted by Janet Cox on Jan 28, 2010 Spelling has always come easily for me, so when Ryan (8) just didn't grasp it, both of us were frustrated. We had tried several different spelling programs and while he would learn the words for his test, they wouldn't stick and he would misspell them in his writing even days later. Spelling made him feel like a failure at writing and he started to hate writing of any type. Fast forward to last night. We finished his spelling lesson and he asked if we could do keep going and learn another rule. He then said spelling is now his favorite subject! This is coming from a kid who would offer to do any chore, even clean the bathrooms, to skip spelling for the day! I love that his spelling has improved drastically in his everyday writing as well. The way that All About Spelling introduces the rules and emphasizes them has really made them stick!
Resistant Writer 
Posted by Kari Murphy on Jan 28, 2010 I love your program—what a blessing! I taught elementary school for more than six years before my oldest was born and I became a stay-at-home mom. You'd think after all that time I would have some idea of how to teach spelling! But none of the programs were appropriate for my daughter. She's a visual-spatial learner with some auditory processing deficits and has really resisted the physical act of writing. Though she is a gifted little artist and quite the storyteller, the act of handwriting has really been a struggle for her. Your program is a perfect match for her, and us. Though she has such weaknesses in some areas, she is also highly intelligent, probably bordering on the gifted range, if not gifted. She gets bored so easily if we can't move fast enough. I love that I can use so many of these techniques (many the same techniques the Reading Specialists used in the schools where I taught) at my daughter's pace. PLUS, you never put on the books what "grade level" or "age level" the material is for—THANK YOU!
I thought I didn't need this!
Posted by Cathy on Jan 28, 2010
I could give you a whole list of spelling programs that I have used with my daughter. She retained nothing. She was feeling awful and I was getting worried. I didn't think that I needed to buy one more program. I finally decided to order All About Spelling Level 1 and I am so glad I did. We have been using it for several weeks and my daughter is already retaining. She enjoys the hands-on aspects of the program and the fact that we do it together. As a mom, I like the All About Spelling program because it is very organized and well laid out for the teacher. I feel like all of the work has been done for me. When it's time for spelling, all I do is pick up the Spelling Review Box and my teacher's book and I am good to go.
Great for teens too! 
Posted by Sandra Ward on Jan 26, 2010 My 4 youngest children have dyslexia. I started with level one 5 months ago. My 10, 13 and 16 year-olds have greatly benefited from your program. It was not too babyish and dumbed down for them. They are now ready to begin Level 3. They like the program because they can truly see progress. Their reading has even improved as a consequence. Also, there has been a benefit in their writing. I have noticed that I don't just automatically spell every word they ask. (I used to feel like a talking dictionary.) If they have had that lesson, then I make them sound out the word. My 7 year old dd knew all her sounds but could not read. I was beginning to feel that she would never make progress. Thankfully, I can now tell you that she is beginning to read easy stories. I wish I had had this spelling program for my older 4 children.
Easy to use! 
Posted by Christine Sawyer on Jan 20, 2010 I am currently using your book with my seven-year-old, who is in public school, and with my four-year-old. I wish I had started using this program with my older child when he was four or five! This has been a very straightforward and easy-to-use system. Thanks!
Author of A Child's Geography 
Posted by Ann Voskamp on Jan 20, 2010 We are on Step 4 of All About Spelling Level 1 and I am seeing a tremendous leaping ahead by our four-year-old. I am very impressed with the program, the sense of success it gives to my son, and how it is multi-faceted—not just paper and pencil. I see him making much more progress at this point with AAS than with another popular Spalding program (which I have also used with my four older children). My son and I are thrilled every day to sit down with your materials—if only you could have heard him squeal with delight when he figured out how to make "big" into "bin"! Standing ovation, Marie!
Fast Shipping to NZ! 
Posted by Mandy Lotter on Jan 20, 2010 I just wanted to thank you so much for the excellent product AAS is! We received our Level 1 and 2 within 9 days of ordering (we live in New Zealand) and my son is really doing well with it. It is everything all the other programmes we'v tried are not. I have kept Cobweb the Cat hidden until we get to Step 15 when he's in for a lovely surprise - can't wait to see his face! Well done with writing such a beautiful book - it's the best first reader I've ever seen. Looking forward to ordering the next one! Thanks from the bottom of my heart.
Effective for older and younger kids 
Posted by Lark Wiggins on Jan 18, 2010 Thank you so much for an excellent program. It is easy to teach and my boys no longer cry when it is time to practice spelling. I love the card system, the built in review is so important. I am using All About Spelling to teach my older two sons spelling and my younger two children how to read. Thank you for an extremely effective method that has all the work done for me. It's just what this busy homeschool mom needed!
Works for my 11 yo! 
Posted by Jen Rasmussen on Jan 13, 2010 I just want to thank you for the All About Spelling program. I have an 11-year-old son who is hard of hearing. Before using your program, spelling was a battle—my son couldn't hear the sounds to spell and was very frustrated. I was searching the internet to find a different approach when I came across your program. The difference is amazing—he loves spelling and has gained so much confidence. There is no price tag for that!
Easy to use 
Posted by Bekah H. on Dec 7, 2009 I found the lessons to be easy to present, and the variety of teaching methods (visual, auditory, and kinesthetic) helped stave off spelling boredom for my 6 year-old.
Thoroughly enjoying it! 
Posted by Cindy Horton on Dec 4, 2009 Because of the hands-on nature of All About Spelling, Nicholas is thoroughly enjoying it. He actually says, "Oh, good," when I say it's time for a spelling lesson. He's told me more than once, as we stand at the magnetic dry erase board where we do the lessons, "I like when we do this." I've seen his spelling, and most importantly his understanding of spelling concepts, improve since we started this program.
Amazing transformation in my 10yo! 
Posted by Hanna on Dec 4, 2009 My son would guess wildly at every word he tried to spell. He knew that there was a right way and a wrong way to write a word, but he couldn't remember the correct spelling. I thought I had tried everything, but then I learned about All About Spelling. After we started the All About Spelling program, I realized the root of the problem my son was having with spelling: he didn't listen to the word and hear the individual sounds. The hands-on exercises on segmenting words helped a lot with this. Secondly, he didn't know the phonograms. Without knowing the sounds that different letters make, he couldn't spell. So we worked on the phonograms and within a week he knew the first thirty. Since then, we've followed the steps you laid out in the book. We still have two more lessons to go. The transformation in my son has been amazing. He "gets it" now. He doesn't fight me when it comes time for spelling class. He is actually eager to learn the next list of words—and he can actually spell all of the dictated phrases! So anyway, I am writing to see if you can send me the next level in the All About Spelling series!
Fun and less stress! 
Posted by Kristie Richardson on Dec 4, 2009 My kids hated spelling and fought me daily. The spelling list had no rhyme or reason, so they failed most of the weekly spelling tests. I found All About Spelling and now my kids beg to do it first. They are having fun! And no wonder my nine-year-old couldn't spell—he didn't know the 26 basic phonograms. He is a fabulous decoder and reader—he just couldn't encode and figure out the sounds that are in the words. I have started both of my kids at the beginning and will go at the pace they set and can learn at. I look forward to many less-stressful lessons ahead. Thanks for making such a fun product.
Great Program! 
Posted by Barbara Roy on Dec 4, 2009 I have been homeschooling my first grade granddaughter. She loves All About Spelling and is doing very well. At six years old we are amazed at how well she spells and reads. Some of the work she is doing is the same as my third-grade grandson who attends a public school.
Speech Therapist Approved 
Posted by Deborah on Dec 2, 2009 My son's speech therapist was very impressed by the AAS Level 1 manual that I showed her. She particularly liked the foundation of phonemic awareness and segmentation. She was also impressed that my ds could segment even simple words. It is nice to hear that my autistic son is doing well in any area of language skills.
Easiest curriculum to teach 
Posted by Tracy Rash on Nov 18, 2009 I just wanted to comment on how well the All About Spelling program is working out for our family. One day last month my seven year old made the comment "Wow, I'm finally learning to 'READ!'" after the daily spelling lesson. She has been sounding out and (what I thought was reading) for several years now. I've always homeschooled our eight children and the oldest is studying engineering now. The only thing I would do differently would be to use this as our only reading and spelling program. This is by far the easiest curriculum to teach.
Helping with Asperger's 
Posted by Velma Beale on Nov 17, 2009 My grandson, whom I am raising and homeschoolinng, has been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome. He is a natural reader, actually gifted in reading, but could not spell. We tried a few approaches before someone recommended All About Spelling and I decided to give it a try. I had tried a bit of OG approach to teach him reading, writing and spelling, but found that he did not need the phonograms to read and didn't want to learn them. Plus the program was complex to implement. Interestingly, he loves the approach used in AAS and is proud of his growing spelling ability. We plan to stick with AAS all the way through because it works so well and is easy to implement. The letter magnets are a permanent part of my decor now, since we use them on the steel back door. After using the magnets to spell words, he doesn't even mind writing his words, phrases and sentences, which is incredible for a boy I had decided was dysgraphic. I am not one of those who finds the price cheap, but it is well worth it for the results we get. Thank you!
Easy for mom, great for dyslexia 
Posted by Kimberly D. GA US on Nov 14, 2009 My son is breezing through Level 1. I had tried to teach him using the Spalding method a couple of years ago (it was WAY over my head), but I did go through the phonograms relentlessly with him for several months.... HE REMEMBERED MOST in Level 1! I had to remind him of a few of them, and we continue to review them daily with All About Spelling. HE LOVES THIS! He asks if we can do spelling, and when I feel it is time to stop... he says, "LET'S KEEP GOING MOM." This is UNHEARD OF!!! He loves using the white board, the tiles, the tokens, etc. I am ordering Level 2 because he is breezing through Level 1, much of which is review for him, and I don't want any down time, so I want to have it on hand and ready! When I had researched WRTR/Spalding, I knew it would be right for him due to his dyslexia and auditory processing issues, which was why I tried to use that method—but it was way too complicated for MOM here. I almost cannot believe that you made this so well-laid out, so easy for a parent to teach the OG method! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I haven't been this happy with a homeschool curriculum in YEARS!
HUGE improvement for my 10 yo 
Posted by Tracy Thorp on Nov 9, 2009 After several frustrating years using other spelling techniques/programs, I felt that I wasn't getting anywhere with my 10yo ds. I found out about your program this summer, and my ds has whizzed through Level 1 (we're on lesson 19 now). Things are finally starting to click and I'm seeing a HUGE improvement in his spelling!! He's even noticed the difference and has commented on how much easier writing is. Thank you!!!
The cards help kids soak up the info 
Posted by Kristen Nitz November 7, 2009
I did it! I found the best spelling program ever! The program name is All About Spelling. The program is so versatile. It can start at preschool aged children (my daughter) all the way to High School level (Level 6) because they are not specified to grade levels but they are arranged by concepts and spelling patterns. I know some of you out there have children who might be dyslexic, and this program would be perfect for you. Again, because it is based on concepts not age, you take bite-sized chunks that each child can comprehend. And with the use of manipulative, flash cards, verbal skills as well as writing words on paper, there is something for every child to be able to soak up the information into their brains.
He's excelling now! 
Posted by Beth Taylor on Nov 7, 2009 I just have to tell you the wonderful change that has come over our homeschool day. My son no longer cries over spelling. He LOVES getting out the tiles and working with them. It is so wonderful to see him excel. Since getting through Step 1, which took a fun two weeks, he has been going through a step a day! Amazing! All About Spelling has unlocked doors for him and given him confidence. Praise the Lord and thank you for this program.
A Dream Come True! 
Posted by Peggy S on Nov 7, 2009 Marie, I opened up the package and I can hardly believe what I am holding. This is a dream come true and a real answer to my prayer. The program has EVERY component I could ever want—comprehensive lesson plans, activities based on research, and clear explanations and graphics. You have a real gift—thank you for sharing it.
Answers at last! 
Posted by Joy Felton, UK on Nov 7, 2009 I've just finished reading the Level 1 lesson book and I can hardly believe what I've read. At last here is the answer to my son's spelling problem—a program that teaches and reinforces the sounds. We've tried several spelling schemes but he was retaining only 10%-20% of the words "learned." I needed a solution fast, so I put Google to work again (without much hope, I may add) and there, right at the top of page 1, was your link—and you accepted international orders! Your customer service is brilliant. My order was sent promptly and arrived in perfect condition. Everything is set up for our lessons and we're raring to go. Many thanks for this awesome program and for making it available overseas.
Best Spelling Program for Dyslexics! 
Posted by Amy on Oct 17, 2009 I am amazed at the progress I am seeing with my 11yo dyslexic daughter! I became a cognitive skills trainer to better teacher her and the skills utilized in this program are superior to the $3500/student program I was doing. Also, this system works for any age. I was able to start my 6th grader with Level 1, yet I recommended Level 1 for my friend's 7yo as well. Thank you for a great program!! After exploring 5 other spelling programs, I have finally found the key that will work for my daughter!
Coming Back to AAS! 
Posted by Carol W. on Oct 16, 2009 Last year I purchased your spelling materials for Level 1. My daughter and I both loved the program. Long story short...I was lured away by yet another program. We switched to that program. I am SORRY now! My daughter and I both want to go back to your program! Here is my order.
The rules are helpful! 
Posted by Dominique Guerin on Oct 16, 2009 We love your spelling program. My daughter, M., is really enjoying being able to use rules to spell. She is a good speller but had no confidence before. She refused to write because she wants her writing to be error free. We'll be through Level 1 soon. It was worth doing before Level 2.
Great Program! 
Posted by Jen Anderson on Oct 8, 2009 We love Level 1 and are looking forward to Level 2! Great program—thank you.
Helps with Reading and Writing too! 
Posted by Darcie Perkins on Oct 8, 2009 I wanted to thank you and AAS for your great program. It has been a huge success with my 8 year old. We have cruised through the first 20 lessons with enthusiasm. He actually looks forward to the next day's spelling challenges and has gained confidence in writing. I would recommend to everyone - even existing readers - to start at level one as AAS highlighted weaknesses in my son I was unaware of. Once identified, the weakness was simply addressed and corrected. Not only is it so far the best method I've tried for teaching spelling, but the program seems to have helped him decode words differently and his reading has become much more fluid. It just plain makes sense and empowers my child to critically think about how to spell instead of memorize. It is the best method I've tried for teaching spelling, and I've experimented with so many ways and ideas. All fell short of what you have done here. We thank you.
Logical, Organized, and Easy! 
Posted by Yanica on May 15, 2009 This is exactly what a spelling program should be—logical, organized, and easy! The simple, incremental steps ensure success even for struggling spellers. This is the first spelling program I have found that breaks down the spelling process into the phonograms and is also truly auditory, visual, AND kinesthetic. The letter tiles and many cards are GREAT for my kinesthetic learner! And it's all so well laid-out that I can just grab it and go. I also love all the little teaching tips inserted in the book—it's like having a spelling expert right beside me. Thanks for a phenomenal curriculum!
AAS is great for reading too! 
Posted by Kim on Mar 25, 2009 I just wanted to say THANK YOU for such a wonderful program. I am about to finish Level 1 with my 4th grader, 1st grader and kindergartener. My younger two are learning to read as well and AAS has given them such a great grasp of phonograms they are both doing great. My older child struggles with spelling but I have seen marked improvement since we started the program. Thank you for something that finally works!
Edible Spelling! 
Posted by Alyssa on Mar 5, 2009 I started AAS with my 5 yo daughter and it's fantastic. Yesterday, she outlined the phonograms on a baggie filled with chocolate pudding (Lesson 4) and LOVED it. Of course, the anticipation of eating the pudding for a snack helped. I'm so pleased with this program that I plan to order Level 2 for next school year and have already recommended the program to a friend. Thank you.
Colorful and well-designed! 
Posted by Leigh on Mar 5, 2009 I cannot thank you enough for your OUTSTANDING program. I nearly cried when I received our first order and saw just how beautiful, colorful and well designed it was. My 8yo son and I have both been frustrated with the numerous reading/spelling approaches we have tried over the years. The most recent (and most expensive) one I never used—I was so frustrated trying to understand the teacher's manual! I was thrilled to find you have the same structure and content as they did, but your layout and order is so user-friendly. My son was excited to put on all the magnets and went ahead and organized the board himself. I LOVE the cards and tabbed dividers and how the lessons prompt me to review. I cannot praise your program enough except to say I will highly recommend it to everyone and I will be ordering the next level and the games very soon! I know that putting extra time and money towards good visual design is challenging for those creating curriculum, but I hope you know it has made all the difference at least for this happy customer! THANK YOU!!!
Stress-free and easy to use! 
Posted by Amy on Feb 24, 2009 I love, love, love your program! I spent a year researching and have tried almost everything out there!!!!!!! I wish I would have found this first. Everything else was wasted time and money. All About Spelling does everything that other programs like Spell to Write and Read do in a much simpler format. We tried SWR and The Writing Road to Reading... we all wanted to pull our hair out. Your program is so easy to use and absolutely stress free for my children. I will very enthusiastically be recommending your program to everyone I know! Thank you so much!
Painless spelling, great results! 
Posted by Tina Hollenbeck on Feb 2, 2009 Until we found AAS, I struggled to find a spelling program that I thought would work; either they were too complicated and intense for young children or, on the other hand, if they were simple (as in doing "word families"), I doubted their effectiveness for long-term learning/retention. I love knowing that my 6- and 7-year-old girls are getting correct, research-based information in their spelling lessons even though we can't spend long periods of time each day. I also love the book's multisensory approach, which helps my older (very kinesthetic) daughter in particular. She has always struggled with distinguishing between some short vowel sounds (e/i and o/u), but since we've started AAS, I have seen marked improvement in her ability to differentiate consistently. I trust that they will continue to grow in their (painless!) mastery of spelling as we proceed. Thanks for a great product!
Absolutely Thrilled! 
Posted by Eveline on Feb 2, 2009 This is truly the first program that is working for me and my son. Spelling used to be my most feared subject. I am amazed at how easily All About Spelling works. It is an outstanding program for someone with little knowledge of spelling. With your program I find I take one step at a time, and I can reach my goal with confidence, absent of the stress and exhaustion I experienced before. Three years ago I was introduced to the Spalding method and got the Writing Road to Reading program. Though the program made sense to me, it was so dry that my older two boys were climbing the walls. ( I have three boys, 11, 9, and 7. ) So I gave up on it. I can very confidently recommend the All About Spelling program to any family. It is one of the easiest to use and most successful programs I have seen yet.
This is what I've been looking for! 
Posted by Tiffany on Dec 4, 2008 My son is in third grade and my daughter is in first grade. We used a different spelling program last year, but it didn't seem to follow any rules...my kids were just memorizing words so they could get them right on Thursday's spelling test...and then forgetting them. Because of my son's reading difficulties, and just a feeling that he wasn't understanding spelling, I decided to start with AAS Level 1 for both students. We finished it in less than two months, and it was such a good review and explained things that we hadn't learned before (I even learned new things). Spelling is fun now and my children are learning! I would recommend getting the magnets for the letter tiles, however. I didn't get them at first and it can be time consuming to set things up every day. Magnets make it MUCH easier and more fun! Thank you so much for this spelling program—it is an answer to our prayers!
Very pleased! 
Posted by Penny Ray on Dec 1, 2008 I *love* this program—it works so well for my daughter with autism! We are inching forward with it—I do a formal lesson at the magnetic board one day, and then spend a couple of days expanding on the lessons at different points throughout the day. Before AAS, I hadn't realized that my daughter couldn't sound out the three sounds in a work like "not," or distinguish between the short "e" and the short "i" in other words. So, we worked on those things longer and will revisit them occasionally to review. We may be going more slowly than typical children, but we certainly are moving forward, little by little. I am really tickled with this program and with how it frames the lessons for me to do with my daughter in a way that makes us both feel successful.
My son's new favorite subject 
Posted by Pilar Stevens on Oct 22, 2008 Nine programs—yes, NINE programs!—we went through before All About Spelling fell into my lap. Though I was afraid of further traumatizing my son, we got started a little less than a month ago. He loved it right away, and the colored tiles and short lessons kept him engaged and on track. He is moving into Level 2 next week and even told his doctor that spelling is now his favorite subject! What can I say? AAS is worth its weight in GOLD! Thanks a million.
Glad we started in Level 1 
Posted by Tracy Hans on Oct 9, 2008 I just wanted to tell you that the All About Spelling program is just what we needed! And I'm glad we started with Level 1 first—I wouldn't have wanted to miss it. I have six kids, all different ages and abilities. With AAS, no one feels talked down to, and the variety of exercises works for different learning styles. Some need hands-on, some need visual, and some need the auditory parts of the lessons, so all of the kids get their needs met with this program. The lessons are simple for the kids to follow, yet challenge them to grasp what they don't know.
Just what my daughter needed 
Posted by Judy Major on Sep 18, 2008 Marie, I've been delighted with All About Spelling. My oldest daughter (11 years old) has struggled with spelling for years. Maybe I should clarify that: she's always done great on spelling tests—in fact, she would ace them! But then I'd notice that when she wrote something in her journal or in a lesson for another subject, she would often misspell the very words she aced on her spelling test just the week before! So when I came across All About Spelling I was very eager to see how it would work for my daughter's spelling. Although we're only halfway through the first book, I feel like she is finally getting the foundations of phonics instruction that she's needed for years and that will help her in the long run with her spelling. I very much appreciate how the lessons are laid out. I like the system with the index cards and the constant review. I REALLY like that each lesson is a bite-sized portion that doesn't overwhelm. The multisensory approach has been helpful in keeping both my children's interest and they especially like using the dry-erase board and the magnetic letter tiles. I've never written a review of a product before. Just felt like I had to share my appreciation with you. All About Spelling is exactly what I was looking for! Thanks for getting us on the right road to better spelling!
My girls finally see themselves as good spellers 
Posted by Bobbi Beeson on Sep 6, 2008 I have to say that we love this program. My girls are finally starting to see themselves as children who can spell. They are actually using their tools to try to figure out words BEFORE they ask me how to spell them—hurray!
Thanks for this wonderful program! 
Posted by Kristin Caddick on Aug 14, 2008 I just want to say thanks for this wonderful program. This is our first year of homeschooling—and so far this is the only program I have not had to change! My son is in second grade and I was shocked to learn he didn't know most of the phonograms. As of today we have been using this program for exactly fifteen days and he spelled the word "Mexico" by himself by using what we've learned! Thank you again!
What a great resource! 
Posted by Bethany J on Aug 9, 2008 I am grateful for the beauty and quality of your work. I find a lot of homeschool books and aids that are meant to make the child feel "comfortable" or something by using sloppy handwriting fonts, misspellings, and child-like scribbling. I have always felt that we should put forth the best for our children to copy—to have a pattern of excellence. Your books, materials, and games do just that.
My children really enjoy AAS! 
Posted by Susan Price on Jul 30, 2008 I can't begin to tell you how much we are enjoying our All About Spelling program. We are only on Step 8 of Level 1, but my children really enjoy it and they both seem to be prospering in their understanding.
My daughter is feeling successful... 
Posted by Mary Mires on May 28, 2008 We just finished Level 1 and I ordered Level 2. We have tried a few other spelling programs, and this is the first one that has worked! My daughter is feeling successful at spelling for the first time. The multisensory approach and built-in review make it enjoyable and easy for both of us. Thanks!
We love All About Spelling! 
Posted by Jennifer Bates on Apr 17, 2008 I bought All About Spelling a few months ago and I absolutely love it! My kids love it, too. It's so easy to use, and so fun! My kids get bored with workbooks, so this is perfect. I have to admit, I am learning a few things as well.
Enjoying spelling! 
Posted by Kelly Hargreaves on Apr 17, 2008 I bought the program a couple of weeks ago and am very excited about doing it with my seven-year-old daughter. She has already started to enjoy spelling after only a week—and she used to cry daily! Thanks!
My daughter is doing great in spelling... 
Posted by Cynthia in AK on Apr 16, 2008 We are still having a blast with All About Spelling! I continue to marvel at how well you have laid this out.
Mom and daughter learning to spell! 
Posted by Melissa R on Apr 4, 2008 This program saved the day! My daughter struggled through two reading programs—one strictly phonics, one OG. They both included spelling but she was still just frustrated and discouraged—and spelling continued to elude her even once she was reading. A horrible speller myself, I was of little use to help her. But now with this multisensory, user-friendly program, we are both learning to spell! It is also strengthening her reading skills. Thanks, Marie!
I really like this program 
Posted by Cynthia in AK on Mar 28, 2008 I wanted to use vertical phonics to teach my four-year-old daughter to read, and All About Spelling has broken down the steps so she can do it. It is obvious that a lot of thought has gone into this program. I love how All About Spelling teaches all the sounds of the letter, and that when you start working with them you begin with the short sound. I was thrilled to see that the program is set up that way.
This series is very inviting 
Posted by Linda S. on Mar 20, 2008 I received my order in wonderful condition, and so quickly! We're so looking forward to using this. Thanks so much for putting together such an easy program to teach—and one with some flexibility as to scheduling. I'm sure I'll learn right along with my daughter.
Solid and enjoyable 
Posted by Lucy on Mar 7, 2008 I cannot say enough good things about AAS. It is solid, effective, and enjoyable for student and teacher. My son doesn't think of it as work, and even asks to do spelling on the weekends!
Great multisensory approach! 
Posted by Corie Reuschlein on March 6, 2008 I am very pleased with the layout and construction of the lessons. I am a speech-language pathologist, as well as a homeschooling mom, and I think the multisensory approach is great! I use similar multisensory modes when working with kids on articulation issues.
My son is excited about spelling... 
Posted by Suzanne Lichtenstein on Mar 3, 2008
I wanted to tell you how much my ten-year-old is enjoying All About Spelling . He loves the flashcards, the bright colors, the feeling of progress he gets from seeing each card put down (instead of a list, which can seem interminable), and the feeling of victory when I place a card in the "mastered" pile. I love how easy it is for me to see and remember how he is progressing.
I have long wanted something phonogram-based like this. Our youngest child is at the point where he is making up all kinds of silly, long words and asking what they say. The letter tiles make it so much easier for him to create pronounceable words. And the color-coding of the vowels makes it easier for him to remember to put a vowel in each syllable. These are great! (A nice side benefit is that these phonogram tiles stick to the fridge better. I get so tired of fishing out those plastic letters with their wimpy magnets from under the fridge!
Another help has been teaching him about the six different syllable types, particularly the open and closed syllables and the effect of closure on the vowels. This has made a big difference for J., who is ready for Level Two and not dreading it—which is amazing. Thank you for making all this possible, Marie. It is such a joy to see my son excited about spelling!
Just what I needed! 
Posted by Rita Henley on March 3, 2008 This program makes so much sense to me. The clear, concise lesson plans are just what I need—and the steps targeting different learning modalities are just what my children need. I am using the program with my 12-year-old son, 9-year-old daughter, and 7-year-old son. For the first time in this six year journey I am not overwhelmed at the thought of teaching spelling. Thank you!
Every teacher should have this
Posted by Kristin Drach on March 8, 2008
I am a former eighth grade Language Arts teacher and school administrator. My fourth grade daughter is dyslexic. I am so pleased with the Level1 book! I compared All About Spelling to many other very expensive Orton Gillingham-based programs. I am completely happy with my purchase and, after seeing the program, wouldn't consider spending the amount of money that other programs cost. All About Spelling is a thorough program at an affordable cost. Every teacher in the primary grades should teach spelling with this system. I am convinced that if this were done, we would see a decrease in LD identifications. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 2
Absolutely best program! 
Posted by Bianca Ramos on Dec 3, 2010 If I could give a hundred stars, it would get a hundred stars from us here. My son was struggling with spelling to a point where I thought that he might have some real problem. I thought I might have to bring him to a specialist to help him to learn how to spell. A couple weeks ago we came to a total low with the spelling program that we had used. It was giving him one spelling list after the other and he was supposed to memorize the words over the course of the week. I thought this was how you HAD to learn how to spell. Then we found All About Spelling. We started the program and finally there was some sense to spelling. I could tell him WHY he needed to use "c" or "k" or WHY a word ended with "ck" or only with "k"—and it all made sense. A huge light bulb went on in my son's head and all of the sudden he didn't have to try and memorize every single word any more how to spell it. Now he is memorizing the spelling rules and then he can spell all the words correctly that are related to that rule. And that is not all: My son is a kinesthetic learner and we had been doing a lot of spelling on the driveway with chalk, but this system uses magnets and that is a lot better. It is still hands on and after he did his magnetic letter words, he is able to write them correctly in his notebook as well. This program has made a real change in our homeschool lives as my son is now blossoming and has gained so much self-confidence in the two weeks that we used the program. If you are looking for a spelling program that makes sense, you should get All About Spelling.
Helping my High Schooler! 
Posted by Jane Beard on Nov 12, 2010 Thank you for your kindness and excellent customer service, but I have to be honest and tell you, that I keep coming back to you because I have gone through MANY spelling programs and yours is the first to work for my children. My oldest is one of those natural spellers that just never had any problems, but my younger three have struggled from day one. And reading is not their problem-spelling is their problem. At first, my high schooler was upset that he had to do that "baby stuff" but when he saw how fast his spelling was improving, he jumped right in and has not given me any more problems. I wish I had known about your program when they were younger, but they are speeding through pretty well, and learning fast. The best part for me is that their love of telling stories is finding its way on paper much easier now that they are not struggling with the spelling as much.
Affordable help for Struggling Students 
Posted by Heidi Pair on Jun 10, 2010
I had explored Orton-Gillingham tutors in my area only to find that the going rate was approximately $500 a month for 5 hours of tutoring. Remediation is not a fast process and most students will need 1-3 years of instruction. At $6000/year, tutoring was not affordable for our family. As an alternative, I started using a 10-level program that would ultimately cost about $3000 when completed. I was thrilled to find something affordable, though the cost was still out of budget of some families. All About Spelling is a tiny fraction of that price and is just as effective. I'm absolutely elated that All About Spelling is providing an affordable way for homeschooling parents to help their struggling spellers and give beginning spellers the foundation they need.
This one we'll keep! 
Posted by Niki Smith on May 21, 2010
I am truly happy about this product as it has helped us tremendously. Kiana was into doing this program. This is one were we will continue to use it throughout the school year. She loves it that much.
Posted by Lisa Cross on May 21, 2010 My son (11) has always been weak in this area and I wish I had had this program earlier for him. First, it covers all types of learners—visual, auditory, AND hands-on. It is parent friendly too. Pros: 1. ALL learners will benefit from this program. 2. Levels are NOT by grade but by ability. 3. There is constant review. 4. There is a companion CD to help with hearing the sounds of the letters/phonograms. 5. The lesson plans are SUPER EASY to follow. Everything is laid out step by step. A list of what is needed for the day is at the top of the lesson with easy-to-read directions. 6. There is no need to feel rushed to finish a lesson a day. You truly go at the pace of the student. 7. It is reasonably priced. Cons: NONE....(truly) none!!!
Great for my Dyslexic son! 
Posted by Jennifer Allen on Apr 12, 2010 We are starting Level 2 and I can't believe how well received your program is by my son! We both are really loving your curriculum...and I have tried MANY :) as my oldest is dyslexic! Your materials have blessed our family and our homeschool days. Thank you!
Complete Curriculum—Pre-k to HS 
Posted by Jolanthe Erb on Feb 22, 2010
I thought we were perfectly fine with the spelling program that we were using until I started using All About Spelling with the girls. And now I'm hooked on this program and thrilled that our girls look forward to spelling time, and we love doing it together. What I am loving about the program: 1. The lessons are amazingly easy to follow. 2. You can customize each lesson to your children's needs. 3. Review: Each lesson includes a way to review the steps and rules that have been taught in previous lessons, along with reinforcement for the lessons that were learned during that lesson. 4. Hands-on materials: This hands-on aspect has really helped in our learning. 5. Clear/direct spelling rules: All About Spelling teaches clear rules (and notes any exceptions if there are any to the rule) - even I'm learning a thing or two! 6. It will be a complete curriculum from preschool to high school. It's a one-stop spelling curriculum, and I LOVE that! 7. Price!! There is nothing that I haven't been pleased about with this curriculum - seriously!
No more forgetting! 
Posted by Bethany LeBedz on Feb 22, 2010
Ever forget a spelling rule? You won't forget again after using All About Spelling with your kids, and neither will they. I wish it had been available when my youngest daughter was struggling through spelling in first and second grades. This is a great program for tactile and auditory learners, as well as for children with auditory processing disorders.
Perfect for my "sizzlers!" 
Posted by April ElCloud US on Jan 28, 2010
As a mom of distractable and active children (sizzlers!) I love reading Carol Barnier's books on teaching distractable children. The All About Spelling curriculum is exactly what she recommends for those distractable children: hands-on, short lessons, fun games, variety, mixing oral work with written work.
Long term retention! 
Posted by Susan Freeman on Jan 28, 2010 One of the greatest things I appreciate about this program, besides the quick daily lessons, is that AAS doesn't settle for short-term memorization of spelling words. They teach and review the concepts behind why words are spelled the way they are—thus dramatically improving long-term retention. I didn't learn these concepts when I was growing up and can see that it really helps to improve overall spelling. We are now in Level 2 and I can see great improvement with my students. I am even learning a thing or two myself!
Now they ASK to do spelling! 
Posted by Michelle Smith on Jan 28, 2010
Now that we have been using this curriculum for two months and my two eldest children are midway through Level 2, I have to be honest with you. This spelling curriculum is wonderful! It works! It is one of our favorite curricula to receive to date. I couldn't have even guessed that this curriculum would be so easy to use, develop my children's confidence so much, and yet be so efficient with our time! Wow! I am completely sold on this curriculum, and the great news is that my children are, too! They ask to do the lessons!
Great for stealth dyslexics 
Posted by Heidi Pair on Jan 20, 2010
My son is a stealth dyslexic, a concept developed by Brock and Fernette Eide. This means that he can read, and read well. At one point, there was a six-grade discrepancy between spelling and reading. He is not in need of reading comprehension or fluency work. Other programs we've used had a large portion of the program devoted to reading skills integrated with the spelling instruction. All About Spelling has shorter lessons that cover just the material my son needs.
Scripted but not wordy 
Posted by Kimberly Kovach on Jan 20, 2010 The completely understandable Teacher's Manual fully explains the method—actually giving you a simple script! (I love this part because after 13 years of homeschooling, my brain needs a rest.) Though it is completely understandable, it is not wordy like some programs. I like things that can quickly be understood!
Best program we've used! 
Posted by Hollie on Jan 20, 2010 All About Spelling is just simply AWESOME. This program is great on so many levels. If you have a child who is struggling with spelling or correct pronunciation it is fantastic. Even if your child does not have any problems at all this is the best spelling program I have ever tried. It uses several of the senses which is sure to help your child quickly achieve the spelling skills they need. Your child can see it, touch it and hear it.
Helping my son with Asperger's 
Posted by Brenda Emmett on Dec 4, 2009
My son has Asperger's and has had speech problems for his entire life. He received speech therapy for all of his public school years, but they had concluded during his last year of public school. They had decided that there was not anything more they could do for him and that he knew all of the tools to speak clearly, but he just didn't want to. Thanks to All About Spelling, he now slows down, enunciates and speaks more clearly than he has in a long time.
An affordable multisensory program! 
Posted by Carrie on Dec 4, 2009 The school informed me that they were going to test my son for learning disabilities. He was having problems with reading, writing, and spelling. I began to search for a product or program that I could use to help my son succeed, because let's face it—no one wants to see their child fail. During my research, I discovered that my son may not have a learning disability, but just a different learning style than most other children. He needed visual and kinetic (tangible) resources applied to his lessons in order to comprehend what was being taught. The price of many programs is out of reach. There are other programs and products that incorporate visual, auditory, and kinetic resources, but their prices range anywhere from $250 to $2000. This was very discouraging for a parent on a shoe-string budget and with very little room for extra expenditures. I kept thinking, How can I help my son when I can't afford anything? But then my research led me to the All About Spelling program. I couldn't believe what I was seeing! A program that encompasses all of my son's needs and in a format that I, as a parent, could easily teach without any training—AND it was affordable. We purchased the All About Spelling program immediately! Has the All About Spelling program been successful? I'm confident in saying YES! And not only does the program work, it's EXTREMELY affordable. The ONLY other product that I would even consider using would cost me $1200, and it just makes me so happy to know that I CAN afford to help my son and see him happy instead of upset all the time!
Sticking with this one! 
Posted by Karen, HS mom of 2 on Dec 4, 2009 I can't believe it! I've finally found a spelling program we will stick with!
Incredibly well thought out 
Posted by K.C. in California on Dec 4, 2009 I just wanted to let you know that this program is just what we needed—and incredibly well thought out. I'm going to be letting my homeschooling friends know about this.
3 grades reading improvement in 6 months! 
Posted by Darlene VanHoeve on Nov 13, 2009
Hi! I just wanted to send a note thanking you for your outstanding products! My 9 year old daughter was still struggling last year to read. She had no idea how to spell. I tried many, many other programs that did not seem to help her, or were much to complicated to even begin to use! All About Spelling was a success from the beginning. She moved from barely a 1st grade reading level to a 4th grade in 6 months!! Her confidence in reading and spelling has improved significantly. We are about to begin the Level 3 book, and are all looking forward to it. I will begin using this program with my 1st grader next year!!
Great multisensory program! 
Posted by Tina Burnell on Oct 16, 2009 I am thoroughly impressed with the materials and lesson layout of All About Spelling! I have seen many spelling programs, most of which are word family lists or look-say-spell methods that unfortunately do not work for many children. All About Spelling has step-by-step lessons with the gradual introduction of phonograms, uses multisensory learning (visual, auditory, kinesthetic), teaches phonemic awareness, blending, segmenting, and irregular words (a.k.a. Rule Breakers), uses dictation of words, phrases, and sentences for reinforcement, and more. Level 2 then begins to move into teaching syllable types and syllable division. This is one of the first "spelling-focused" programs I've seen that is based solidly on Orton-Gillingham principles.
I also got the optional Phonogram CD-ROM. It is a super-neat tool for reviewing phonograms and a must-have if you are unsure of some of the sounds yourself! You can click the phonograms right on the screen and it gives you all the sounds for that phonogram. Every once in a while I come across something that I really believe in sharing. This is one of those times! All About Spelling is an excellent resource. I am confident that many families will benefit by using it.
Low prep, easy to use, reusable! 
Posted by Wendy Stoller February 12, 2011
You receive a nice little package of items when you order these products, and they also offer organizational tabs to organize it all. You just have to provide the card file box. All of the products are reusable, so if you have multiple ages you can use them again and again and again–there are almost no consumables here (I like this feature!). She lays each lesson out for you. You have very little prep other than pulling out your cards and what she has laid out for you to do. Follow her simple little lessons and move on through as your student is able. Stop and hang out in a particular area a while when you realize they may be having some difficulty. You don’t have to worry about fulfilling the 150 spelling lessons found in a particular book by the end of the year. Less pressure on you and your student! Now that’s a wonderful option! Who of us couldn't use a little less stress and pressure, especially those of us needing to report at year end on our student’s progress.
You've given me new hope!
Posted by Shannon on Nov 7, 2009 I almost feel like crying—for joy—I am so HAPPY! I have truly struggled to find a spelling curriculum to use with my two boys, ages eight and ten. I have tried several and was going to buy another for this year, but now I realize that I was going about it all wrong and that my struggle was in vain. I feel like a load has been lifted and I truly appreciate what you have done. What a huge blessing! Thank you so much—you have given me new hope in teaching spelling!
My son is catching up! 
Posted by Patty Gallip on Nov 7, 2009 My son was two years behind in spelling and reading at school and was falling even more behind. My husband and I brought him home for his schooling and started over. But even then we had trouble. Even though I have a bachelor's degree and some additional college studies, I found out that I did not even know all of the rules of spelling. Marie Rippel's All About Spelling guide has been such a blessing for us. Its lessons incorporate the three basic forms of learning (auditory, visual, and kinesthetic), are well organized, and are easy to follow. My son and I are having fun learning together and he is finally beginning to read and spell with confidence.
My 9-yo likes it! 
Posted by Sandy Ramlet on Oct 16, 2009 We started Level 2 today. Very fun! I am looking forward to this, and my nine-year-old third grader is still enthusiastic about the program. I like the additional dictation sentences you have included.
We're hooked! 
Posted by Vicki Covington on Oct 16, 2009 Okay, I'm hooked! I just ordered another Level 2 packet and the Level 3 materials. As soon as we're done with Level 1, I'm passing it on to my daughter and grandson. She'll love it, too! Everything is laid out so well and so simply.
I absolutely LOVE this program! 
Posted by Heather Leibbrandt on Oct 13, 2009 My son has struggled with spelling; no matter how hard he tried, no matter how much time he spent, he was getting 15% or 20% on his spelling tests. The strings of letters made absolutely no sense to him, and memorization was almost impossible. We started using this program during the summer, and couldn't be happier. He understands the rules of spelling; he can puzzle out how to spell words that were impossible before, simply by thinking through the spelling rules he's learned. Spelling is fun now, there are no tears, and his reading level has improved dramatically as well. We couldn't be happier with All About Spelling, and recommend it to others frequently! Thanks for a great program that really works!
2nd Grade Teacher's Opinion 
Posted by Maria Buckner on Oct 8, 2009 Thank you so much for this comprehensive spelling program. I am a second grade teacher in the public schools and have one student who has missed out on the last two years of spelling strategies and letter sounds. He struggles so much that I've taken him under my wing and have determined to work with him one-on-one for a little while every day to get him caught up. I can't thank you enough.
Astounding results in 6 weeks! 
Posted by Debbie Harrington on Jul 15, 2009 I just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful program! I have a 3rd grader who completely missed the basics of spelling in school. After trying, to no avail, to get some help for him through school, I began researching home schooling programs and stumbled onto yours. I ordered it and though he remains in the public school system I did daily lessons with him from AAS and in 6 short weeks the results were astounding. The teachers and support people at school were giddy with excitement over the improvement in his testing. I found it interesting that they appeared to take even a small measure of credit for the turn around. I know where the true credit lies and that is in your fabulous program! Thank you for saving my son from a life time of horrible spelling. If you ever need a spokeswoman, you have my number!
Posted by Lynn P on Feb 2, 2009 You have brought smiles back to my 9yr old son's face when it comes to spelling and I owe it to your products!!
Amazing results! 
Posted by Jill Williams on Jan 11, 2009 I've been using the All About Spelling program for almost a month with amazing results! I have both a 2nd grader and a 4th grader who read at grade level, yet somehow I've been unable to teach them to spell—they absolutely could not learn to spell! I was so frustrated and knew I needed something for my kinesthetic learners. I'd tried other spelling programs, but even after the kids had studied spelling lists for weeks, they were still unable to spell any of the words correctly...and I was really feeling defeated. I stumbled across the AAS site online, and the claims seemed to be exactly what I was looking for. I have not been disappointed! My boys are spelling like crazy! After each lesson, they have a list of around 20 words to spell as I dictate...and they spell them. These are words they've never even looked at during the lesson and they spell all of them correctly! And that's because they are learning how to SPELL, not just how to memorize the letter arrangements long enough to pass a test. They are so encouraged and so am I. Thank you so much for this simple, easy, and effective approach to spelling!
Fantastic program!!! 
Posted by Regenia Spoerndle on Dec 1, 2008
I have homeschooled for 14 years and never, never, found a spelling program that I actually looked forward to using with my kids. In fact, I recently gave up the idea of teaching spelling formally because I never could see any real evidence of learning taking place with the typical list-on-Monday, test-on-Friday curriculum options. Your curriculum is so well researched and designed. It teaches the teacher and allows the student to think and learn in the best ways possible. My daughter skips away filled with confidence after every lesson. She loves the learning process of AAS because it helps her process the information in ways that make sense to her. I can't say enough good things about it. Thank you for this fantastic program which is a joy to use for both the teacher and student.
Success! Best spelling program ever! 
Posted by Ramona Stamp on Aug 25, 2008 We LOVE All About Spelling! We completed Levels 1 and 2 before summer started, took over two months off, and now find that our daughter has remembered EVERYTHING! On to Level 3, then 4. Can't wait for the entire set. Many thanks!
My daughter used to struggle... 
Posted by Melissa on Aug 14, 2008 My daughter, who is now in third grade, used to struggle so much with spelling. This program has been amazing! We are so blessed to have it!
AAS gets an A+! 
Posted by Melissa Devolve on May 28, 2008
I just have to share with you how pleased we are with your spelling program. I homeschool my first grader and for most of last year we used a "10 new words per week" workbook. I was getting so frustrated! My son would get 100% on each weekly quiz, but within two weeks he was misspelling those same words! I was gearing up for years of frustration for both of us. Then I started doing some research online for other spelling programs, and yours looked the most promising. Well, we are sold! I can't tell you how thrilled we are with every aspect of All About Spelling. We started at Level 1, which went quickly, and now we are halfway through Level 2. My girlfriend, whose son is in public school, keeps e-mailing me for spelling tips for her second grader! Her favorite is the syllable test to check whether to use "s" or "es" to make a noun plural. I hosted a "grandparents' day" at our homeschool for my folks a couple of weeks ago....All About Spelling was their favorite part of the day! They can't get over the words my son is spelling correctly! And they giggled when my four-year-old chimed in "double f, l, s!" Thank you so much for the time you put into this program—it's an A+!
What a difference the magnet tiles have made in our lessons 
Posted by Suzanne on May 16, 2008
I wanted to let you know how FUN the tiles are with the magnets applied. Even my husband was lured into stopping his work to "play" letter tiles with our five-year-old—I guess seeing our son sliding the letters around and forming words looked like too much fun to pass up! The magnets have made a huge difference in our spelling lessons. Set-up is so much easier now—we keep the alphabet laid out in duplicate on a cookie sheet, with room underneath to assemble words. The vowel and consonant teams are organized in a metal cake pan. And storing takes no time at all—we just stack everything up and set it in the closet. Another thing the magnets have done is made it fun to slide the tiles, rearrange them, make word games, and so on. My three sons used to find the tiles too fussy because they wouldn't stay in place, but now with the magnets, my boys actually look forward to spelling! So thank you for these marvelous little magnets, and the fantastic spelling system they support. Please keep up the good work.
We love All About Spelling 
Posted by Diane St. Hilaire US on May 8, 2008 We love All About Spelling and just ordered Level 3. I have a daughter with learning disabilities and this program is working well for her. I tell all homeschool families I come in contact with about this program. In fact, a friend of mine just ordered it and loves it as well!
AAS is a life saver! 
Posted by Denise M. on May 7, 2008 My daughter is eleven and has always struggled with spelling. I found All About Spelling and love it! I like the layout of the lessons, and the book is nice to look at visually and easy to use. I can quickly go back and find lessons if I need to check something. The built-in review has been an essential component for my daughter to retain what she has learned. The tiles and tokens add so much to the program, especially as my daughter is very hands-on. Also, the dictation of the sounds has been beneficial as she is also an auditory learner. This is all around one of the best products that I have used in our homeschool thus far. Thanks, Marie!
We love this program! 
Posted by Karen Sunderland on Apr 19, 2008 I switched from SWR to All About Spelling. I am thrilled with the ease of use, the quality of the products, and the simplicity of the lesson plans.
My son sees his progress 
Posted by Mary Crowell on Apr 15, 2008 I homeschool a preteen boy. We started All About Spelling in the middle of the year and just finished Level 2. With the flashcards, HE CAN SEE HIS PROGRESS! HE SEES THAT HE IS LEARNING. That is something his old curriculum never offered. And he got a big kick out of the JAIL in Level 2! Those surprises keep learning fresh. I wish you had been around earlier, but better late then never!
My son is finally learning to spell! 
Posted by Florence Brooks on Apr 15, 2008 We've been through many materials. I think All About Spelling is our ninth official curriculum. Up until now, I have felt spelling was just an exercise in "busy work" for my son. Regardless of the method, he just didn't connect with the information. That is, not until now. We are now in Level 2 and every step has been one more confidence builder for him. As we reviewed all we had learned, my son looked at me and said, "You know, I really like this material, Mom. I'm really learning how to spell." So, thank you, Marie. Keep those new levels coming!
I am seeing great results! 
Posted by Sherri Benner on Apr 1, 2008 I spent a lot of time researching the best program for my daughter and I am so happy that I found your program! We are really enjoying All About Spelling. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us!
It really works! 
Posted by Michelle Turner on Feb 26, 2008 This spelling program is exactly what I was looking for to use with my children in our homeschool. We love the variety of activities and the combination of learning methods. It really works and my kids are progressing very quickly in this program. I will be recommending this program to my homeschool friends! Your customer service is excellent!!
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 3
Easy to teach! 
Posted by Kim C on Apr 19, 2011 I love this product. I am a first time homeschool mom of a 1st & 3rd grader and could not figure out how to teach some of the other spelling programs out there. I have a degree in English Literature and Writing and found this program easy to teach, easy for my kids to follow and remember. It has the complexity of ___ without the teaching difficulty. I highly recommend it to all.
Mystery solved! 
Posted by C Thomas on Mar 20, 2011 The best part of this program is learning the general rules in conjunction with learning the phonogram sounds in order of frequency. This approach has unlocked many word mysteries. I love Level three. This is a great program.
Excellent Spelling Program 
Posted by Shawna Jackson on Feb 20, 2011 I bought this program for my second grade, kindergarten, and preschool children. My second grader was an extremely poor speller and spelling time was dreaded by both of us. Now spelling time is fun, quick and effective. She completed Level 1 in three months and my kindergarten daughter will complete Level 1 by the end of the year. This program is so effective that my girls spell all of the words that the spelling rules apply to even though all of the words are not on their actual spelling lists. For the first time, my second grader is enjoying writing because she knows that her spelling is improving.
Great for Dyslexic Mom too! 
Posted by Laura Flemming on Jan 27, 2011 I am sure you hear praises about AAS but I still have to tell you how much I love All About Spelling. Spelling was my biggest fear when it came to homeschooling. Being an awful speller myself (dyslexic) I was afraid that I would mess up that part of my kids' schooling. Since we started your program I feel confident in teaching spelling (and reading) and have really enjoyed the process. I tell my son all the time while teaching him that this is all new to me because we never learned spelling this way. Since I struggled with spelling all my life it made everything I did twice as hard. I am so relieved that my kids won't have to. Thank you for such a wonderful product that my kids and I have benefited so much from.
The rules are so helpful! 
Posted by Barbie Towner on May 20, 2010 I've been singing the praises of AAS since I discovered it last summer. Since then and because of AAS my 9-year-old is becoming a successful speller. I am writing today because of the 1-1-1 Rule. When we began suffixes last week, my son looked at me blankly when asked if he should double the consonant. But today after having a rule to help him answer, he got it! It's simple things like that that make AAS such a great program—thank you!
So glad I found this! 
Posted by Sheri Hagemann on Feb 22, 2010
My lamenting has finally ended. I could not believe what I found when I started going through the All About Spelling books. I almost cried (happy, relieved kind of cry)—after all, this is a program that teaches to all learning types (auditory, kinesthetic and visual). I wished this was available several years back, when I was desperately searching for a good program. I have to say, I am so all about the All About Spelling curricula!
Spelling and Phonics together 
Posted by TheCrazyMom on Jan 28, 2010
This is a spelling program that is very different from anything I've ever seen. Now maybe I don't get out much, but most other programs I've seen seem to revolve around getting a list of words to study and then studying them for a test later later in the week. The difference with All About Spelling is that it's more like a spelling program and a phonics program all wrapped into one.
Huge improvement! 
Posted by Lynn Pitts on Jan 20, 2010 WOW! I fell in love with All About Spelling. It was exactly what we needed for my oldest son. The books are laid out to where all you need to do is open it, quickly read what you need to do, grab the cards you need, pull out your magnetic board or tiles and you are ready to go! No more stress over weekly spelling tests that my son usually forgets minutes after the final test is given. This has proven to me a great success in my son's spelling retention and we've seen a huge improvement in the short time we've used it so far. I do know for sure that this curriculum is here to stay for us. We are very pleased with how this is working for my son and can't wait to start my youngest on it soon!
Dyslexic Remediation 
Posted by Tricia on Jan 20, 2010
I have two dyslexic children. We have spent 3 and a half years driving to the Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for children for them to take part in a Dyslexic Remediation Program. This is a premier program. People come from all over the country to learn how to teach this method of dyslexia remediation in their own school districts. I am so very pleased that my children were able to take part in this program that allows them to learn the tools they need to overcome their dyslexia while other teachers learn how to incorporate this program into their own classrooms. When I received All About Spelling, I was very, very impressed. It is an extremely thorough program that looked very similar to what my children have learned at the Scottish Rite Lab school.
Simple to implement 
Posted by Stacie aka Aussie in America on Jan 20, 2010 Marie Rippel, the creator of All About Spelling, has written step-by-step lesson plans that are easy to understand. I love this! There have been a number of things I wish to teach my daughter, but preparation and research has got in the way. Sometimes there is just not enough time between all the dishes and laundry for that kind of thing! So I really appreciated this program being simple for me to implement.
Scripted, Clear, Grab & Go! 
Posted by Carie Stephens on Dec 4, 2009 This is the famous "multisensory" methodology we hear so much about, quite honestly, because it works. Each lesson is scripted and outlined clearly so you can just grab your book and your supplies and get to it. I use it with my dyslexic daughter as well as her non-dyslexic younger sister.
He doesn't hate spelling now! 
Posted by Sandy Ramlet on Dec 4, 2009 My eight-year-old son, who is zooming through the lessons, actually blurted out today, "I like this curriculum." WOW! He used to HATE spelling, and though he reads at middle school level, he has had immense difficulty with spelling—until now. My son is a very active, pencil-tapping, chair-spinning, "let me play now, please" kind of boy. Spelling has always been the worst kind of torture for him. Even when he had a good attitude, he couldn't see the point of the worksheets we were doing. I was just blown away when he offered his comment today. Yippee!
Wish I had this for all my kids! 
Posted by Jennifer Carmichael on Nov 7, 2009 It is such a relief to have a simple, effective spelling program. I have tried so many approaches over the past twelve years of homeschooling. My first three guinea pigs learned to spell enough to get by just through sheer repetition as we struggled along! Now, instead of numerous lists for "easy" memorization, we have a method with reason and a pattern. I don't dread spelling anymore. I know that everything they need to know will be covered one logical step at a time. Thanks again!
Thank you for this program! 
Posted by Melissa Rooney on Nov 7, 2009 My daughter is now in third grade and has struggled so much with spelling. This program has been amazing! We are so blessed to have it!
Great for this teacher! 
Posted by Pamela C. on Nov 7, 2009 I'm very impressed with your spelling program. I teach at a small school in Missouri and it's just what I need to help my struggling spelling students.
The most user-friendly program I've ever seen 
Posted by Cindy Kee on Oct 28, 2009 Being hands-on learners, my nine-year-old twin boys especially love the interactive aspects of All About Spelling, like spelling words with letter tiles instead of boring old pencil and paper! And though I have always been naturally good at spelling, I still love learning the phonograms and spelling rules right along with my boys. All About Spelling has given me the tools I need to help my kids with spelling both in and outside of the classroom. For example, the rules, which are presented on Key Cards, give me a great way to help them when they ask how to spell a word. I simply ask, "What is the rule that says..." and they remember the rule and are able to figure out for themselves how to spell the word. I also see that my son who struggles with spelling is learning to recognize words that don’t look right and seems to “know” that they are spelled incorrectly.
With this program, you go at the child’s pace and move forward only once the child is completely comfortable with the material in the current lesson. All About Spelling is the most user-friendly program I have ever seen that is based on the Orton-Gillingham method of teaching spelling and the phonograms. The program takes both the parent and child step-by-step through all seven levels.
Thanks for helping my dyslexic dd 
Posted by Lori Smith on Oct 16, 2009 Thank you for your wonderful spelling program. I have a ten-year-old daughter with mild dyslexia. As is typical for dyslexic children, she is a HORRIBLE speller by nature. Spelling was a daily battle and a source of endless frustration for her. In an attempt to find something to help her, we tried four different spelling curricula before I found yours. This added to the frustration because we had to keep returning to the "beginning." In frustration she would say, "But WHY is it spelled that way?" to which I had no answer (I am a natural speller so I only know a few of the rules). I finally decided she was just going to have to learn the "rules" of spelling, which led me to your program. We went back to the "beginning" one last time. All I can say is thank you. We both actually look forward to spelling each day—so easy for me because you have everything laid out so clearly and no lesson preparation is required—and my daughter even asked me if she could do two lessons a day. The ultimate compliment came yesterday when she wrote on our spelling white board during her lesson, "I love spelling!" My hat is off to you. Thank you!
My son sees the results! 
Posted by Joy Felton on Oct 16, 2009 This is the first spelling program that we haven't abandoned after the first few pages because it's really working—John's making so much more effort now that he can see the results for himself.
Great Method! 
Posted by Gina Butterfield on Oct 8, 2009 Thanks so much for putting this program together. I feel like I am finally teaching spelling.
Can we do the Writing Station today? 
Posted by Merry Marinello on Apr 28, 2009 My son has let me know from time to time that he is NOT a writer. I was therefore nervous about introducing the Writing Station to him in Level 3—and now he ASKS to do it! The words are fun and lend themselves to telling stories or funny vignettes. And the confidence he is gaining as he learns to spell more words encourages him too. Thanks for a wonderfully organized program that is FUN too!
Hard of Hearing—It's Working! 
Posted by Jen on Apr 28, 2009 My 10 year old son is hard of hearing. He has hearing aids but it is still difficult to hear those softer sounds. We would try to sound out words to spell but he would get so frustrated—understandably. We started with Level 1 to make sure he had a good foundation. He is now sounding out words on his own and spelling them. Sometimes he might mix up a couple letters but he recognizes it and fixes it right away. All About Spelling has been a great fit for our family!
Great results! 
Posted by Sandy Ramlet on Jan 19, 2009 The Writing Station activity is a great idea! Because spelling was a struggle for my son, I never had him do much writing—it used to be so frustrating for him because, before we started with AAS, he didn't know how to spell most words. This is a wonderful step in the "write" direction! By the way—and you already know this—All About Spelling really works! I have seen my son's spelling ability and confidence go way up. This year he said he wants to compete in our homeschool group's spelling bee. I almost fainted!
Posted by Kristie Richardson on Jan 12, 2009 WOW! After one year of using your product my now 10-year-old son is halfway through the third book (I started him at Level 1, Step 1). He now understands spelling rules and, since there is review built into the program, he no longer forgets the rules. Seeing the light bulb go off in his head is just such a wonderful feeling for both of us. He is so proud of himself and he loves to impress his dad and me with his well-earned spelling skills. Keep up the good work. Thanks for making such a well-thought out, sequential, easy-to-teach product.
Wonderful program! 
Posted by Michelle Thompson on Oct 21, 2008 AAS has been so wonderful for my struggling speller. Not only is the teaching (and learning) of spelling much less stressful, what he is learning is transferring to all his other subjects, too. He recently wrote a paper that was actually not riddled with spelling mistakes! We were both so pleased!
Very happy with AAS 
Posted by M Sanders on Aug 27, 2008 We are loving your program. My son has never been a good speller, and All About Spelling is working so well for him. We're on your Level 3 book now—I have already received Level 4 and can't wait for the next one!
I am LOVING this curriculum! 
Posted by Dawn Marmor on Aug 14, 2008 I am LOVING this curriculum. The kids enjoy it, too. Thank you for making it easy to remember to review and so LOGICAL that they can figure a word out even if it's not one they have specifically learned or practiced. This is the first year I've used a formal spelling program and I have all three of my kids using it, ages 8, 6, and 5. Granted, they are all very bright (I don't mean to boast, but they really are). The youngest has been reading for over a year and loves to write, though she's not ready for penmanship practice yet! What really got me looking is that I believe my oldest has dysgraphia, so I was searching for something that would minimize the amount of writing he would have to do. The other two popular programs I looked at (Spelling Power and Sequential Spelling) had problems as both rely heavily on memorization and, like so many programs, are based on writing the words multiple times. The letter tiles help a lot with the dysgraphia and your system uses logic and analysis, teaching an understanding of spelling rather than just memorization. It's even helped me!
I am LOVING this curriculum! 
Posted by Dawn Marmor on Aug 14, 2008 I am LOVING this curriculum. The kids enjoy it, too. Thank you for making it easy to remember to review and so LOGICAL that they can figure a word out even if it's not one they have specifically learned or practiced. This is the first year I've used a formal spelling program and I have all three of my kids using it, ages 8, 6, and 5. Granted, they are all very bright (I don't mean to boast, but they really are). The youngest has been reading for over a year and loves to write, though she's not ready for penmanship practice yet! What really got me looking is that I believe my oldest has dysgraphia, so I was searching for something that would minimize the amount of writing he would have to do. The other two popular programs I looked at (Spelling Power and Sequential Spelling) had problems as both rely heavily on memorization and, like so many programs, are based on writing the words multiple times. The letter tiles help a lot with the dysgraphia and your system uses logic and analysis, teaching an understanding of spelling rather than just memorization. It's even helped me!
Thank you! 
Posted by Pam Mendrick on Jul 28, 2008 Thank you for writing these books. I now know I can teach the rules of spelling to my students.
Great series 
Posted by Kate Mills on Mar 11, 2008 This series really applies the Spalding theory well. The step-by-step "what to cover next" approach makes it so easy to keep track of what you've done and what needs to be reviewed.
I am thrilled! 
Posted by Michelle Cress on Mar 3, 2008 My fourth grade son is one of the All About Spelling success stories. Last year he scored "first grade" in spelling when he took his nationally standardized test. A friend of mine recommended this program and we started in the fall with Level 1. He has done SO WELL with it—it has just been a joy to teach him and watch him learn. We completed Levels 1 and 2 and are currently doing Level 3. I am thrilled.
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 4
Review means they remember now! 
Posted by Crystal Wetherholt on November 7, 2009
I must share a story with you. A few weeks ago, I had to take an unexpected emergency six-hour round trip out of state. The drive was almost completely interstate, so easy driving. The boys and I loaded up “school on the go” as we tend to call it, and we started with All About Spelling. My oldest son used to hate spelling, as he tended to get the majority of the words wrong each time. With AAS, I have a card file box for each level (I have all four levels). We started at Level 1 per recommendations and progress as the child can. After reviewing the prior day’s rules and cards, we started testing our word cards. I was floored as my son spelled word after word correctly. In fact we did spelling, the three of us, the entire way to our destination (almost three hours). Not one negative peep out of either boy. We have never had more fun or joy out of spelling ever! My son feels like a new man, because this approach to spelling has given him the tools he needs in his brain to spell words correctly and review them enough to place them in his long-term memory.
Auditory, visual, and kinesthetic! 
Posted by Kendra on January 3, 2011 The unique aspect of this spelling curriculum is that the creators have taken great effort to appeal to students with different learning styles. Letter tiles are included as a major component of the curriculum. While all students use these no matter what their learning style is, it is a great tool for kinesthetic learners. There are flash cards that visual learners can use to increase their understanding, and auditory learners are hearing the sounds throughout the lesson and are engaged in the optional CD-ROM as well. I have seen few programs as well-rounded as this one as far as learning styles are concerned.
Organized, simple to use 
Posted by Heidi Miller-Ford on Feb 22, 2010 From the moment I started to look over this program, I knew I was going to like it. Marie Rippel has done a wonderful job of simplifying one of the most difficult subjects to teach with all the different rules to remember. The materials are so well organized!
Using in our Charter School 
Posted by Liz Gomez, Educational Specialist, Golden Valley Charter School on Jan 20, 2010 What a breath of fresh air to work with such a user-friendly program. Many thanks!
No more "test and forget!" 
Posted by Margaret Delle on Jan 20, 2010 This is a program that I wish was around when I was a kid, because I well remember the Monday-morning spelling list, the frantic studying and memorization, and the Friday-morning spelling test which was the routine for all my years in elementary school. I have definitely become a fan of multisensory learning for retention, rather than rote learning and memorization where the student forgets what he "learned" the second he's finished his test.
Great Customer Service! 
Posted by Christina Gunn on Dec 4, 2009
Greg over at customer service is just AWESOME ! Thanks for your excellent service. I certainly must extend a HUGE, SINCERE THANK YOU to the creator of this program, Marie Rippel, as well. She has certainly gone above and beyond to present our kids with an effective fun tool for learning some very basics that will pave their way to a lifetime of success in learning.
Strap on your fun hat! 
Posted by Regenia Spoerndle on Dec 4, 2009
All About Spelling, designed by literary expert Marie Rippel, is a FANTASTIC, multisensory approach to spelling education. Throw away the workbooks, strap on your fun hat and be ready to make spelling the favorite subject of the day. All About Spelling is the smartest, most creative and child friendly spelling program I have ever come across in my 14 years of home education. I never thought I would be excited about a spelling curriculum, but this one sends me singing on the mountain tops. All About Spelling speaks to the child in the way she learns best.
Teacher for twenty-five years 
Posted by Jean Wensink on Nov 7, 2009 Wow! You have sure done a terrific job of packing in a lot of information and helpful hints. I really love the way you have the program formatted, with introduction, mastery, and review already built in. The instructions are very clear and the step-by-step dialogue is easy to follow. The spelling rules are very helpful. I know that I was never taught these rules in school, and I have never taught all of them to my students. In most schools, the rules are taught in a hit-or-miss way, not in the sequential way that you have laid out. I can see that your method would be especially helpful for L.D. or special needs students. I learned a lot from your books.
Even my 16 yo is learning! 
Posted by Polly Owens on Nov 7, 2009 I continue to tell everyone I can about your product. I can't thank you enough for giving us this program. My son would beg not to do lessons before. With AAS, he asks to do it and we have a lot of fun with it! Even my three-year-old is learning along with us. She reviews the phonogram cards and plays the games with us. My sixteen-year-old even likes to listen in. She can frequently be heard saying, "Oh, that makes sense...I always wondered why it was spelled like that." Thank you for making a teacher-friendly program!
Primary teacher since 1977 
Posted by Audrey Owen on Oct 16, 2009 I have your books and I have to tell you I'm gob-smacked! (That's a good thing!) All About Spelling demystifies spelling for both teachers and children.
My kids beg to do AAS! 
Posted by Kristie on Oct 16, 2009 Thanks for all the hard work that has gone into this curriculum. My children beg to do spelling every day. My oldest child's spelling skills have jumped two grade levels. All About Spelling has been the only thing that has turned on that light bulb for him. My daughter's reading is improving as she is learning spelling, too!
Easy to Use! 
Posted by Becky Young on Oct 8, 2009 I have been using your All About Spelling curriculum to teach my three children spelling this year. It is a wonderful program, and is so easy to use.
Great teaching manual! 
Posted by Julie on Sep 8, 2009 Tips boxes in the teacher's manual are extremely helpful. They give you options on how to help your child if they're struggling with a new concept or rule.
The very best spelling program... 
Posted by Joy Felton on Aug 14, 2008 A quick note to thank you for sending the Level 4 materials so quickly. When hubby, John, and I visit the States we always make a beeline for Barnes and Noble, Borders, and local educational stores to stock up on homeschool materials—but not spelling as we already own the very best program there is. Thanks again to you and your team.
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 5
3 years improvement in 1 year! 
Posted by Stefanie Whitlow on Feb 12, 2010
Just wanted to send you a note to tell how much we love your spelling program! My son is 11 and he just finished 5th grade. Going into 5th grade he was at a 3rd grade spelling level. At the end of 5th grade we had him tested again. We completed levels 1 through 5 this year. Now, because of All About Spelling, he is on a 6th grade spelling level!!! Awesome! Thanks to your program, we can brag about his measurable improvement. I recommend it to everyone I can. Thank you!!!!
The most effective curriculum 
Posted by Denise Dooley-Opper on Jan 20, 2010
All I can say is...Wow! I have never been this excited over a Spelling program in, well, ever! All About Spelling is hands down, the most effective spelling curriculum we've ever used. This is one program I'm definitely going to save for my grandchildren (however far off they might be!). Because you can almost guarantee there's going to be at least one who will struggle with spelling as much as Ethan, and All About Spelling will be patiently waiting. I cannot recommend this program enough!
"Bad" spellers CAN improve! 
Posted by Renee Walker, Wynfield Christian Academy on Jan 20, 2010 In the past, there wasn't much choice, and children who were lousy spellers became adults who were lousy spellers. Now that has changed. All About Spelling uses various methods to encourage engaging the spelling words from many different learning styles and encourages repetition to develop mastery.
Helps all learning styles 
Posted by Kelly on Dec 4, 2009
I just want to begin by saying: I love this spelling program. Being a homeschooler usually involves teaching in various ways to suit your particular children. My oldest daughter is more of a auditory and visual learner, while my middle daughter is more of a hands-on type learner. All About Spelling fits both. And that is nothing short of amazing.
Posted by Mary Grace on Dec 4, 2009
All About Spellingis that rare homeschooling product that not only meets expectations, but actually exceeds them.
Co-founder of The Princeton Review 
Posted by Adam Robinson on Nov 7, 2009 Marie Rippel's latest spelling program is outstanding. It can be used by teachers helping students in the classroom and by parents helping their children at the kitchen table. Her easy-to-use program provides an interactive, step-by-step method that utilizes a multisensory approach to reinforce learning and make it engaging. She offers simple rules for mastering all the spelling pitfalls that children have trouble with—and frankly, some of us adults, too! It's important to realize that her spelling program will improve not just spelling, but also reading. Many reading problems stem from a faulty or incomplete understanding of the basic phonetic rules. I recommend her program enthusiastically.
Not a dreaded subject now! 
Posted by Cheryl B. on Oct 16, 2009 My oldest son hated spelling and was falling behind his middle brother. Now he thinks spelling is fun—and it's become one of his favorite subjects! I wish I had used AAS from the beginning. Keep up the great work!
Tutor Approved! 
Posted by Gina Snyder on Oct 16, 2009 It is very nice to finally have a spelling program that I can recommend to parents.
We Love AAS! 
Posted by Kristin Petersen on Oct 8, 2009 We are ready to begin the next level and are eagerly anticipating it! We love All About Spelling!
Best Spelling Decision I Ever Made! 
Posted by Annie on Oct 8, 2009 I cannot thank you enough for this product. We simply LOVE, LOVE, LOVE All About Spelling. When I first ordered AAS I ordered it with the intention of using it with our daughter first. Well our son would pipe in responses from the background. I contacted you to find out if he was too young to start (he was 7yo at the time), and you suggested I go ahead and pace it according to his needs. Well, I soon had to come up with an execution plan to teaching as both wanted to be FIRST for their lesson :) They LOVE their AAS time!!! AAS was the best decision I ever made with respects to spelling. I recommend it to anyone looking for a spelling program without hesitation. I currently own all 5 Levels, and am eagerly awaiting the release of Level 6. It was and is exactly what I had been looking for and wanting for our children. Thank you so much from all of here at our house.
Another excellent book! 
Posted by Cindy P. on Jul 17, 2009 Marie Rippel has done it again! Level 5 is exactly what I've come to expect from All About Spelling. It is by far the clearest and most logical presentation of English spelling I have come across in all my years of teaching.
Testimonials for All About Spelling Level 6
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Being hands-on learners, my nine-year-old twin boys especially love the interactive aspects of the program, like spelling words with letter tiles instead of boring old pencil and paper! And though I have always been naturally good at spelling, I still love learning the phonograms and spelling rules right along with my boys. All About Spelling has given me the tools I need to help my kids with spelling both in and outside of the classroom. For example, the rules, which are presented on Key Cards, give me a great way to help them when they ask how to spell a word. I simply ask, "What is the rule that says..." and they remember the rule and are able to figure out for themselves how to spell the word. I also see that my son who struggles with spelling is learning to recognize words that don’t look right and seems to “know” that they are spelled incorrectly.
With this program, you go at the child’s pace and move forward only once the child is completely comfortable with the material in the current lesson. All About Spelling is the most user-friendly program I have ever seen that is based on the Orton-Gillingham method of teaching spelling and the phonograms. The program takes both the parent and child step-by-step through all seven levels.