
This is the final section of the placement test. Answer the questions based on what your student is able to do without help from a parent or other adult. At the completion of the assessment, placement guidance will be provided.

Your student should understand how to sound out single-syllable and multisyllable words using the blending procedure demonstrated on this document.

Your student should be able to read words with the fourth sound of Y. To test, have your student read the following words.

army       shiny       jelly       fifty       every

Your student should be able to read words with the Pickle (Consonant + L + E) syllable type. To test, have your student read the following words.

maple       idle       pickle       needle       bottle

Your student should be able to read words with vowel suffixes. To test, have your student read the following words.

biggest       sharing       colder       waving       nicest

Your student should be able to read words with the past tense ending ED. To test, have your student read the following words.

wanted       planned       danced       printed       mixed

Your student should be able to read words with prefixes. To test, have your student read the following words.

repay      presoak      misplace      nonsense      semicircle

Your student should be able to divide words into syllables. To test, have your student read the following words AND divide them into syllables.

lobster       paddle       hippo       giant       watchdog

Answer Key:lob-ster, pad-dle, hip-po, gi-ant, watch-dog

Your student should have mastered the sounds of Phonograms 1-60 on this list of phonograms.

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