Have Your Student Read Story #2, "Rawhide"
IMPORTANT: To ensure correct placement, follow the guidelines below.
- Have your student read the 3-page story excerpt with no prior practice or demonstration. You may have to explain that a “ranch hand” is someone who helps out on a ranch.
- Do not provide help or guidance as the student reads the story excerpt.
- Ask your student 2-3 questions about the story to determine if your student has good comprehension.
- Listen to the fluency sample below the story excerpt as a guide for assessing the student's level of fluency.
- If your student can read Story #2 with good comprehension and fluency, you'll be prompted to go on to Story #3.
(Note: If you would prefer to have your child read the complete story, you may also download the full story.)

Assess Your Student's Fluency
Listen to the audio sample below. Your student should be able to read the story with a level of fluency similar to what is demonstrated in the sample.