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Go on a Letter Hunt!

Letter hunts increase letter knowledge

What is a letter hunt?

A Letter Hunt is an easy and entertaining activity that increases your preschooler’s letter knowledge as he searches for a specific letter.

Gather up some mail.

Collect old magazines, newspapers, flyers, or ads from your daily mail. Then choose a target letter and look through the printed materials your child to locate examples of the letter you're focusing on. Every time your child locates a letter—whether in an ad for used cars or in the title of a magazine article—the concept of letter knowledge is reinforced in a positive way.

Alternatively, look for letters that your child finds interesting. Your child will notice all sorts of unusual fonts, especially in headlines.

Clip out the letters and store them in an envelope or box.

Save the clippings so that eventually you and your child will have multiple variations of all 26 letters. These clippings will come in handy for use in other games that teach the basics of building words.

A Letter Hunt is an excellent way to help your child understand the concept that the letter A is the letter A no matter where it’s found, and that the letter A comes in many shapes and sizes. While teaching your child to recognize the capital letter A on a flashcard or the printed page of a reader is an obvious first step, it’s also very important to encourage him to recognize the letter A in a wide variety of places, in large and small fonts, and in a multitude of styles, shapes, and colors.

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