
Your Student Should Begin in All About Spelling Level 2

Based on this placement test, your student is ready to begin All About Spelling Level 2.

All About Spelling is a building block program: each level builds upon the previous one. For this reason, students need to start no higher than level 2 in order to learn all of the rules taught in the program and to gain a solid understanding of syllable types and how they help us understand spelling patterns. However, if your student already knows many spelling rules and has a solid understanding of syllable types and syllable division rules, and you believe your student could start at a higher level, please contact us at the email address below for additional placement help.

In Level 2, your student will continue to learn encoding skills, reliable spelling rules, and multisensory strategies for spelling, along with exciting new concepts including 11 new phonograms, vowel teams, syllable division rules, two-syllable words using open and closed syllables, Silent E and Vowel-Consonant-E words, blends, and R-controlled syllables.

If you have additional questions about spelling placement, please see our FAQs or feel free to contact us at support@allaboutlearningpress.com.

Ready to Purchase? Here's What You'll Need!

All About Spelling Level 2 Materials

Includes one Teacher's Manual and one Student Packet. You will also need Letter Tiles and a Spelling Review Box.

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Spelling Review Box

This is a one time purchase (per student). Used to store and organize the All About Spelling Phonogram, Word, Sound, and Rule Cards.

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Letter Tiles

This is a one-time purchase (per household). Includes the physical letter tiles needed for all levels of both All About Reading and All About Spelling.

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Ordering for more than 1 student? Already have Letter Tiles? See the FAQs below.

Optional Add-ons

Additional Student Packet

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Needed to teach an additional student.(Includes flashcards, activity book, and stickers)

Spelling Tote Bag

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Store your All About Spelling books and supplies in this sturdy tote bag.

Look Inside Level 2

All About Spelling Level 2 Materials

See What's Taught

Table of Contents

Scope and Sequence

Level 2 Teacher's Manual

Level 2 Activity Book


Placement Questions

Do level numbers correspond to grade levels?

Since All About Spelling is mastery-based, the level numbers do not correspond to grade levels. For example, Level 1 doesn’t have to be completed in first grade. Placement for spelling is based on the student’s knowledge of spelling rules and concepts rather than grade level, reading level, or the words a student has memorized.

What if my student needs remedial spelling?

Struggling spellers of any age should begin in All About Spelling Level 1. This ensures that there will be no gaps in your child’s learning. You can move as quickly or as slowly as your student needs. If you are working with an older student, he probably understands some of the concepts but not others. In this case, very quickly skim the parts that he already knows and slow down on the parts that he needs to learn.

Can I start higher than Level 2?

All About Spelling Level 2 focuses on learning the syllable types, when they are used, and how they affect spelling. This information is foundational for higher levels of spelling. Three syllable rules are introduced in Level 2, and then more in Level 3 and up. For this reason, we generally don’t recommend starting higher than Level 2.

If you think your student might be able to start at a higher level, please visit our Scope and Sequence webpage to review the concepts taught at each level. Your student must know all the rules and strategies from each previous level to start in a higher level.


What will I need if I'm teaching an additional child with this?

We recommend each student have their own Student Packet and Spelling Review Box.

I have already purchased Letter Tiles. Do I need another set?

The Letter Tiles are the same for both All About Reading and All About Spelling and are a one-time purchase per household.